Previous I made that photograph in February of 1968, while I made this is one 53 years later, in February 2021.  The vision is the same.  I think a main reason I enjoy black and white is that it allows me to create an abstraction without duplicity.  So much photography today is photoshopped beyond credibility.  In color photography, unless the photographer identifies the image as a photo-illustration, the effect can be to make the viewer feel as though the photograph is dishonest.  Giles Duly says that all photographs are untruthful, but they must be honest.  Black and white removes the suspicion of dishonesty by its very nature.  It is an undisputed abstraction.  Next

I made that photograph in February of 1968, while I made this is one 53 years later, in February 2021. The vision is the same. I think a main reason I enjoy black and white is that it allows me to create an abstraction without duplicity. So much photography today is photoshopped beyond credibility. In color photography, unless the photographer identifies the image as a photo-illustration, the effect can be to make the viewer feel as though the photograph is dishonest. Giles Duly says that all photographs are untruthful, but they must be honest. Black and white removes the suspicion of dishonesty by its very nature. It is an undisputed abstraction.